Facebook Starts Beta Testing the New Facebook.com 2020
Facebook recently started their waitlist for the beta testing of the New Facebook.com that will be rolling out later this year to everyone. As of the moment, the Beta testing waitlist is by invite online and chosen users should see a notification on the top of their home screen with a link to facebook.com/new where they would need to click the 'Join the waitlist' button.
The home page features a new sleek look similar to Facebook's mobile app look but with 3 column format. The tabs for videos, marketplace, groups, and games can be found on the upper part of the home page while settings, events, and more are found on the left side of the screen. Notifications is still on the upper right of the screen but is now integrated in the screen instead of pop-up.
Profile page gets a makeover as well on the New Facebook.com with the profile photo now centered, giving a more clean look to the profile page similar to its mobile app counterpart. The search bar and notification buttons are now hovering on top instead of a solid bar like what it currently look like.
The much requested and awaited feature Dark Mode is finally coming to the New Facebook.com. The new dramatic look of the New Facebook.com's Dark Mode is great on the eyes and as Facebook said, gives your eyes a break from screen glare.
Lastly, the New Facebook.com will be giving desktop users an option not only to view and react to Facebook Stories but to also post stories via desktop, which is great not only for personal users but also for business pages who want to push out stories on Facebook.
As mentioned in the beginning of this article, the New Facebook.com 2020 Beta Testing is still by invitation via Facebook notification. If you still don't have the notification, you may check Facebook.com/new from time to time to see if you are eligible to test the new look.
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